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About us
Elisa Cart
ELISA CART is a distributor and supplier based in Ottawa. We provide our clients with the best quality products and supply them with an array of services, including Product Sourcing and Deliveries. ELISA CART families are currently operating restaurants such as Korean BBQ House, Korean Fried Chicken, Sushi 'n' Poke under "GOGIYA" brand, a Sushi manufacturing which is a supplier to universities/colleges/hospitals and local cafeterias under "SUSHIBOX" brand and Korean/Japanese grocery stores under "ARUM MARKET" brand. We’ve become an important part of the community.
Together with its dedicated and professional team of workers, ELISA CART families have become the main Korean and Japanese Food Products Supplier in the Eastern Ontario. We supply our clients with the finest quality merchandise that meets their every need. Whether you’re looking to buy Korean prepared food, marinated meat, side dishes, rice or other groceries, you can always count on us. Check out our inventory to shop for the items of your choice.
Our clients are our top priority and as such, deserve the best possible services suited to their every need. These include Product Sourcing, Distribution and much more. As a leading supplier, we go out of our way to make sure that our clients are always satisfied and are never without a product they need. We work with individuals as well as big companies to guarantee that they always have access to the newest products in our inventory.
엘리사 카트는 현재 코리안 바비큐, 코리안 프라이드치킨, 한식, 일식, 스시공장 등의 요식업과 한국 식품점 등을 직영하며 자랑스러운 한국 음식 문화를 주류사회에 알리는데 크게 노력하고 있습니다. 또한 직접 생산하는 반찬과 김치, 반조리, 완조리 제품외에도 여러가지 그로서리 제품등을 한국음식을 쉽게 접하지 못하시는 지역거주분들을 위해 온타리오 전역에 계시는 회원[무료] 분들께도 유통해 드리고 있습니다.
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